Google Map

create a wide variety of Google Maps with customizable options, allowing you to match your unique design vision.

Generate Google Map API Key #

Step 1:
Go to Google Cloud Platform Console and scroll down to the Creare Api Keys section, then click “Go to the Credentials page”.

Step 2:
Create New Project.

Step 3:
Set your Project Details

Step 4:
From the left side panel open APIs & services and click “Enabled API & Services”.

Step 5:
Click “Enable APIs and services” then open “Maps JavaScript API” and Enable it.

Step 6:
From the left side panel open APIs & services and click “Credentials”.

Step 7:
Create a New API Key.

Step 8:
A popup will show with your API Key Copy it.

Add API Key to Nexablocks settings #

Navigate to Nexblocks –> Api Settings –> Google Map API Key settings.

add your Key.

Add Google Map Block #

Click the ‘+’ icon in the top-left corner to access a wide range of blocks for building your content.

Add the block
Type your address

Content #

Choose the default style or custom from Here.

  1. Zoom Level:
    Use the zoom controls or gestures that are available on your specific mapping platform.
  2. Map Type:
    Choose map type:
    – Roadmap
    – Satellite
    – Hybrid
    – Terrain
  3. Language:
    Select map language.
  4. Ui Controls:
    Choose to show/ hide map controls.

Style #

  1. Height:
    Adjust the height to suit your design
  2. Border Radius:
    This is used to create rounded corners of the box.
  3. Typography:
    Set Marker font size, family, weight, transform, style, decoration, line height, letter spacing, and word spacing.
  4. Color:
    Use the color picker tool to assign a color to the Maker.

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