Icon Box

create a wide variety of Icon boxes with customizable options, allowing you to match your unique design vision.

Add Icon Box #

Click the ‘+’ icon in the top-left corner to access a wide range of blocks for building your content.

Content #

The General tab provides comprehensive control over every aspect of the icon box, allowing you to create custom designs tailored to your specific needs.

icon #

– Choose the icon from our icon library or upload an SVG or image.
– Control the icon potions in the box and the gap between the icon & text.

Icon Library

Title & description #

– Add your content.
– Choose the Title Tag to optimize your website for search engines.

Title Tab
Description Tab

Button #

It encourages exploration of your site.
– add button text and link.
– the ability to show/hide the button icon & control its position.

Global Link #

Activate “Use Link as Global” ” and use Button Link to create clickable icon boxes that direct users to specific pages or sections of your website.

Styling Tab #

Provides options for customizing the appearance of each item in the icon box.

Box #

  1. Border:
    – Choose a border style
    – set the Border Width
    – Border color(First color for normal & second for Hover)
  2. Border Radius:
    This is used to create rounded corners of the box.
  3. Padding:
    Used for the inner spacing between the edges and the content.
  4. Normal & Hover:
    Customize your box colors for normal and hover states using our intuitive interface. Easily switch between options in the Normal and Hover tabs.
  5. Box Shadow:
    Create an easy box shadow effect.
  6. Background:
    Add a solid background or a stunning gradient effect to your box for a visually striking design.
Item Tab

Icon #

  1. Container Size:
    Add width of the icon container.
  2. Icon Size :
    Specify the icon size in PX, EM, or Rem.
  3. Border & Border radius:
    Set them to get a circle shape on the icon.
  4. Padding:
    Used for the inner spacing between the icon and the borders.
  5. Margin:
    Used for the outer spacing between the icon and the content.
  6. Normal & Hover:
    Customize your box colors for normal and hover states using our intuitive interface. Easily switch between options in the Normal and Hover tabs.
  7. icon Color:
    Use the color picker tool to assign a color to the icon.
  8. Background:
    Add a solid background or a stunning gradient effect to the icon.
Box Icon Tab

Title & description #

  1. Typography: Set font family, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line height, letter spacing, and word spacing.
  2. Margin: Used for the outer spacing between the item and other content.
Title Tab
Description Tab

Button #

  1. Typography:
    Set font family, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line height, letter spacing, and word spacing.
  2. Border & Border radius:
    Set them to get a button with a rounded or circled shape.
  3. Padding:
    Used for the inner spacing between the Button and the borders.
  4. Margin:
    Used for the outer spacing between the Button and other content.
  5. Color:
    Use the color picker tool to assign a color to the Text.
  6. Background:
    Add a solid background or a stunning gradient effect to the Button.
Button Tab

Button Icon #

  1. Gap:
    Space Between text and icon.
  2. Size:
    Specify the icon size in PX, EM, or Rem.
  3. Border & Border radius:
    Set them to get a button with a rounded or circled shape
  4. Padding:
    Used for the inner spacing.
  5. Color:
    Use the color picker tool to assign a color to the icon.
  6. Background:
    Add a solid background or a stunning gradient effect to the icon Background.
Button Icon Tab

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