Social Icons

Create a wide variety of Social Icons with customizable options, allowing you to match your unique design vision.

Add Social Icons #

Click the ‘+’ icon in the top-left corner to access a wide range of blocks for building your content.

Content #

Our flexible layout options allow you to precisely control the arrangement and appearance of icons within your design.


Add Item #

– Click the “+” icon to add new icon
– Set the Label, Icon, And Link

Style #

Icon color can be the official color or a custom color for all of them.

  1. Typography:
    Set font size, family, weight, transform, style, decoration, line height, letter spacing, and word spacing.
  2. Width & Height:
    Customize the size of your icon container.
  3. Border & Border Radius:
    – Choose a border style
    – Set the Border Width
    – Border color(First color for normal & second for Hover)
    – Create rounded corners of the box.
  4. Padding :
    set the inner spacing between the icon and the content.

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